P/CVE Trainings for Youth


2020 – 2021


In 2020, the Hariri Foundation engaged 25 young people from across Lebanon in a national Introductory Course on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE). Conducted by Search for Common Ground Lebanon in collaboration with the National Coordination Unit for Preventing Violent Extremism at the Lebanese Presidency of the Council of Minister, the course aimed at building the capacities of youth over P/CVE concepts and programming mechanisms. 

Over the course of five working days, the training delivered a contextually literate countering violent extremism and awareness-raising training program that is relevant to Lebanon and the wider region. Further, the training exposed participants to a range of methodologies and techniques that can help improve their CVE programming and also provided guidance on how to design, implement, and monitor constructive responses to violent extremism. 

In 2021, the capacity building continued through an Advanced CVE Training of Trainers in collaboration with Search for Common Ground. This training aimed at building the skills of the youth to be capable of giving trainings regarding P/CVE in Lebanon. Through training and engaging activities, participants were introduced to concepts and tools to design trainings on P/CVE.