Civil Society in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


2017 – 2018


In 2017, the Government of Lebanon organized several workshops and meetings that demonstrate its commitment to engage all of society in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Council of Ministers issued a decree to establish an inter-ministerial national committee for enhanced coordination on Agenda 2030, delegating the Hariri Foundation and Caritas Lebanon in representing civil society. The roles of the representatives was to define an inclusive process through which civil society actors could engage in the implementation of Agenda 2030, monitor the progress of the SDGs and support the national committee in drafting Lebanon’s first Voluntary National Review (VNR). 

The Hariri Foundation and Caritas engaged over 500 NGOs and CSOs across Lebanon, raising awareness on Agenda 2030 and the SDGs and consulted with participants to contribute to the VNR. Contributions were consolidated and presented to the national committee, later transformed to a Civil Society annex. The VNR and its annexes were submitted to the High-Level Political Forum at the United Nations in 2018.