Hajj Bahaa Hariri High School
El Madrassa El Mehania Street, Dekerman,
Saida, Lebanon
+961 7 723 572
Hajj Bahaa Hariri High School is a semi-private educational institution and UNESCO associated school established in 1995 by Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development. HBS is named after the late Hajj Bahaeddine Hariri, father of the foundation’s founders. HBS comprises three divisions, including preschool, elementary, and intermediate. The school aims to provide quality education at an affordable cost to ensure educational justice among all segments of society. Ever since the school’s establishment. Hariri Foundation has been providing tuition assistance to HBS students with a subsidy of at least 70% of tuition costs. The school aims to educate and graduate a core of educated, self-reliant young women and men who are able to think critically and act as local agents in their community. The curricular and extracurricular programs offered by the school are designed to build students’ capacities to attain values of self-discipline, integrity, loyalty, courage, and tolerance.
Hajj Bahaa Hariri School raises the awareness of its students to recognize the interconnections of nations and cultures while respecting individual differences. The school also aspires to instill these values outside the school walls through cooperation with parents and the local community. With over 1450 graduates since its establishment, today HBS is home to over 1350 students. The average number of educational and administrative staff is 180, which ensures that each student receives individualized attention. The average number of students per class is 25, which is an optimal class size for promoting active learning and effective teaching.