MoU Between Hariri Foundation And UNEP… In Saida Environmental Forum

The Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development, in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Municipality of Saida, in the presence of the Minister of Environment Dr. Nasser Yassin, organized the Saida Environmental Forum “Towards an Environmentally Sustainable City -Saida as a Model”

The Saida Environmental Forum is an important milestone in the Hariri Foundation’s series of development forums in Lebanon and Saida through regional and local partnerships, especially as it comes around the twenty-seventh session of the World Conference of the Parties on Climate Change COP27.

The Environmental Forum made 5 recommendations:

1. Conduct a study to assess the environmental status in Saida

2. Develop a road map to achieve Saida’s Sustainable City Vision

3. Prepare a resource mobilization plan

4. Invite stakeholders and actors to participate

5. Showcase sustainable city model in international forums

During the forum, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between UNEP-West Asia represented by Mr. Sami Dimasi and Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development represented by its Executive Director, Dr. Rubina Abu Zainab, as a first step to establish joint work in the city’s environmental field

The Forum aims to raise community awareness about climate change and the imperatives of local and regional cooperation by highlighting global priorities for action on climate and Lebanon’s commitments to adaptation action through the Conference. This is in addition to monitoring emerging challenges and following up on local development files related to environment.